The Benefits of Upstate Nuclear Energy
Jobs and Economy
- Upstate New York’s three nuclear energy plants support 25,000 jobs.
- Upstate nuclear energy contributes over $3 billion to New York’s economy and contributes $144 million in annual state and local taxes.
- Upstate nuclear plants keep energy costs low. Without them, consumers would pay $1.7 billion more annually in energy costs.
- The Brattle Group analysis shows that over the life of the Clean Energy Standard (CES) program, preserving upstate nuclear accounts for more than half the financial benefits at only one-fifth of the cost.
- Incorporating the economic and environmental benefits of preserving upstate nuclear together, the total benefits exceed the CES program cost by a factor of over 70.
- Nuclear energy is carbon free and is key to moving New York to a clean energy future.
- By offering reliable and clean energy, nuclear energy is the State’s largest source of zero emission electricity
- New York’s upstate nuclear plants avoid 16 million tons of carbon emissions annually, which equates to a societal value of approximately $700 million annually based on federal limits.
- The Public Service Commission’s cost study underscores that upstate nuclear is a cost-effective vehicle for carbon-free, reliable energy and will significantly contribute to New York’s clean energy goals.
- The Brattle Group analysis also shows that a majority (75%) of carbon emissions avoided by the early years of the CES are attributable to upstate nuclear.
Reliable Energy
- Upstate nuclear energy provides approximately 15 percent of New York’s energy supply.
- Nuclear plants are by far New York’s most reliable source of energy, providing power 24 hours a day, seven days a week through all weather conditions and at a high rate of efficiency.
- The stable cost of nuclear energy protects consumers’ against price volatility in the energy market place.
For more information please see the Brattle Report and the Public Service Commission’s CES Cost Study.